My spouse's skin on his back is burned by depilatory cream. What can I do to relieve him?

31-year-old woman4 years ago
I tried to put aloe and cold water compresses on him and it relieves for a while but not long enough...
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an hour

Alexandre Chagnon · 4 years ago
Good evening ma'am,
First he will need to take a big, cold shower, to remove all the hair remover.
Then he will need to Tylenol or Advil by mouth to decrease the inflammatory reaction.
We continue the application of aloes and cold water compresses (very very good idea!).
For tonight, that's it!
Write to me in the morning and let me know how it goes.
31-year-old woman · 4 years ago
Hello, thanks for the feedback!
he took a shower this morning and it burned a lot when he came out ... it calmed down and I put aloe again but it burns so much that he comes with his eyes full of water ... I put the cold compress on top of the aloe ... tylenol and advil alternately ... but he doesn't want me to put anything on his skin anymore ... except that it will not heal well if it is all dry, right?
Alexandre Chagnon · 4 years ago
No, don't worry. At her age the skin will heal perfectly in a few weeks, even if we don't apply anything.
You are on the right track. We're not giving up :)
Good luck at the end of the day,
Alexandre Chagnon, pharmacist

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