Can I take marine collagen powder while pregnant? I am 12 weeks pregnant.

33-year-old woman3 years ago
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27 minutes

Amal El aliti · 3 years ago
Collagen reinforces the elastic properties of the skin. During pregnancy and due to the degradation of collagen which is increased by the increase of cortisol, the need is increased. To prevent and repair skin laxity and stretch marks, a collagen supply restores the skin's elasticity and firmness. To compensate for this collagen deficiency due to the upheavals undergone by the body during pregnancy, it becomes necessary to supplement with collagen. It can be found in cosmetic products and body care products for a local action, or as a dietary supplement
A collagen intake in the form of body creams or food supplements will help the skin to keep its qualities and flexibility, which is essential to support the weight gain during the nine months of pregnancy.
So, yes, you can take it but make sure to check the other ingredients to avoid allergies or contraindications.

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