Is there anything I can do to help him? He drinks a lot, eats less but eats and sleeps a lot less because of his cough.

40-year-old woman3 years ago
My 2 year old finished an antibiotic for an ear infection last Thursday but he started coughing again on Monday of this week. On Friday the CPE told me that my boy had vomited and had a fever of 38,6 and that there is an outbreak of foot hand mouth at the cpe (it was the 8th child in the same afternoon to make fever) indeed I notice the same evening that he has small buttons on the foot, calves knee, forearm and elbow, he coughs and runny nose yellowish. The next day we see that he does not feel but it is endured. On Sunday the fever goes down and only at the end of the day, the same thing for Sunday, nothing on Monday and today but he continues to cough, often with secretions and especially at night he wakes up suddenly and it is difficult to get him back to sleep.
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16 hours

40-year-old woman · 3 years ago
I think he's getting a fever again when he got up from his nap he was borderline 38.1 anal but now I think he's hot but his overall condition is good he just has a short fuse a bit.
Nathalie Gagnon · 3 years ago
I see that your question has been pending for several hours. I'm sorry about that.
It's excellent that he's getting plenty of fluids and that his overall condition remains relatively good. If he has a sore throat, you could try gargling his throat if he understands the principle.
For coughing, he has had pneumonia and now a virus that can cause coughing. does he have a runny or congested nose? You could clean his nose with nasal solution.
40-year-old woman · 3 years ago
Hello, thanks for the reply and no problem with the delay :). Yes, he has a runny nose and I use hydrasense as often as needed. He has advil or tylenol for the fever the cough has slightly decreased yesterday and he had a very nice night I raised his mattress so I think it will pass by itself I cross my fingers!
Nathalie Gagnon · 3 years ago
As for fever, we should not overlook that it is a natural defense of the body. We can take action to make the child comfortable. Here is a helpful link:

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