What can I take for burning mouth syndrome?

35-year-old woman2 years ago
Hello, for 2 years I have had burning mouth syndrome, from what I read on the internet and my symptoms ... I rule out allergies! I don't know what to do anymore, it's very overwhelming :( is there a treatment for this?
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9 hours

Naji-tom Samaha · 2 years ago
Hello Mrs.,
First of all, we must determine the cause of your symptoms. Is it due to an irritant, dry mouth, anxiety, or something else? The treatment will depend on that.
What I can suggest for now is to maintain basic oral hygiene: brushing your teeth with a soft or very soft wire brush, flossing every day, and if necessary using a non-alcoholic mouthwash.
I encourage you to keep a record of what you eat and how you feel, to assess whether your symptoms are occurring and their severity. This may help to avoid ailments or situations that trigger pain.
Otherwise, if you haven't already done so, I invite you to consult a dentist who can assess whether there are other possible causes.
I hope I've been of some help to you, and if you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to contact me
Tom Samaha, pharmacist
35-year-old woman · 2 years ago
Thank you for the quick answer.
Yes, I went to the dentist last year. They prescribed me a special mouthwash with benadryl and something else in it. It didn't change anything.
Doctor I had mentioned it, but she was assuming more as a result of a food which would surprise me a lot as a result of what I was noticing in my diet.
I will go back to consult...mystery
Thanks to you
Naji-tom Samaha · 2 years ago
Thanks for the feedback! Have a good one!

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