How to relieve a sensation of electric shocks in the lower back?
22-year-old woman4 years ago
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I get electric shocks on the lower right side of my back when I bend over. Should I consult someone or will it pass? I am 19 years old
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Laurie Hudon Germain · 4 years ago
Thank you for your question. I have a few questions to ask you so that I can answer you better
First, how long have the electric shocks been present and how did they start? Did it happen after an injury and if so, what type?
Is the pain localized to the lower back or does it extend elsewhere? Is it present at rest or during other types of movement? Does it worsen over time, remain stable or diminish since its onset?
Do you take medication on a regular basis or have any health problems? Do you have any allergies? Could you be pregnant or breastfeeding?
Your answers will help me to better help you.
Audrey-Ann Paquette, pharmacy student
Under the supervision of Laurie Hudon-Germain, pharmacist
22-year-old woman · 4 years ago
They have been present for about 1 month, but are not present every day. I only feel them when I bend forward to pick something up off the floor. It is located on the lower right side and does not extend anywhere else. It is only this one place. I don't know what they started because of but I snowboard regularly. I take birth control pills and that's it. I'm not pregnant.
Laurie Hudon Germain · 4 years ago
Thanks for the clarification!
Electrical shocks are often caused by pinched nerves and physical activity such as winter sports can sometimes be a cause. Seeing a physiotherapist, chiropractor or osteopath may help relieve the pain, depending on which professional you have already consulted or is most accessible to you. Massage therapy may also temporarily relieve associated pain
If the pain worsens or the numbness/electric shocks become more diffuse, it would be advisable to consult a physician
I remain available if you have any further questions.
Audrey-Ann Paquette, Pharmacy Student
Under the supervision of Laurie Hudon-Germain, pharmacist