My hair is getting thinner and thinner and my beard is still not growing?

29 -year-old man2 years ago
Are there any medications that have been tested/proven for beard growth/hair regrowth?
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7 hours

Naji-tom Samaha · 2 years ago
Hello sir
There is, among others, Rogaine lotion in different concentrations for androgenetic hair loss. The product can help slow down hair loss, and in some cases can increase hair growth. However, it must be applied diligently for several weeks before you see its effects, and these tend to disappear if the product is discontinued
It was designed for the head, but is also usedoff-label on the beard, according to some small studies
There are other products for alopecia, but these require medical evaluation.
I hope I've been of some help to you, so please don't hesitate to ask any questions you may have!
Tom Samaha, pharmacist
29 -year-old man · 2 years ago
Ok thanks, is this product available in pharmacies or by prescription only?
Naji-tom Samaha · 2 years ago
It is available at the pharmacy without a prescription.

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