Is it normal to have pu coming out of the blisters? If so, is it contagious and what to do? Thank you for your help!

31-year-old woman3 years ago
I got poison ivy and have blisters in some places (where I scratched hard not knowing it was poison ivy).
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2 hours

Jean-Sébastien Lecompte · 3 years ago
When you talk about pu, is the liquid that comes out thick or quite clear? Is it yellowish or whitish?
31-year-old woman · 3 years ago
It is rather clear and yellowish
I take Aveeno baths when the itching becomes more intense. I apply calamine on the "pimples" that are not swollen. I put polysporin on the more swollen patches, but I don't know if it's ok. At night I bandage it to keep it from running, but during the day, if I'm home, I leave my legs out in the open
Jean-Sébastien Lecompte · 3 years ago
Thank you for the clarification. You are doing exactly the right thing. That little fluid is not pu (so there is no infection), it is a characteristic fluid of poison ivy reactions. You could also take Reactin tablets, that would help with the itching. For the rest, you can continue to do everything you are already doing very well. It should go away in a few days
I hope it responds.
31-year-old woman · 3 years ago
Great! Thanks a lot

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