Is it normal for him to eat so little? Should I choose certain foods over others? Should I be concerned?

29-year-old womanil y a 2 ans
Hi, last Thursday afternoon my boy (2 years old) caught/started a stomach bug until Friday night. Since Saturday, he keeps what he eats and drinks. The rhythm of life is back to normal! Monday morning he had diarrhea, but was fine. He had not had a bowel movement since his stomach bug and noted that while he was sick, he only had vomiting. However, he eats very little or hardly at all at mealtimes. As much the meals that he prefers and what he asks for, does not eat them and if not, in the middle of eating he pushes his food away, complains and says no. He drinks a little milk in the evening, less than usual so I give him less, but he takes it.
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17 heures

Naji-tom Samaha · il y a 2 ans
Good morning, ma'am,
It is common for appetite to be diminished during and following an episode of illness. Gastroenteritis can be very hard on the digestive system and it can take time to regain a normal appetite.
As long as your child is eating, even if less than usual, wets and soils his or her diaper and appears to be in good general condition, just monitor the situation.
Tom Samaha, pharmacist

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