Robax belt burns: what should I do?

32-year-old woman5 years ago
Hello, I used a Robax heating/analgesic belt with Tiger Balm, an analgesic cream (Obviously, you shouldn't have mixed the two... but that's after I saw it). A few days after using it, I started to get red pimples on my lower back where the heat was located as if the little rocks on the belt had burned my skin. It's been two weeks since it happened and the pimples have turned into rather pink/red itchy patches. The initial pimples did not sting, but the patches itch. I put cortisone for the moment, I hesitate to consult the doctor because it looks more like a burn than an allergy... (I already used the same cream and belt for my neck/upper back and I did not have this reaction). Should I consult or use another product to make these patches go away? Thank you!!!
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38 minutes

Isabelle Pelletier · 5 years ago
Hello Madam, without being able to make a diagnosis, it seems to me that it is indeed a hypersensitivity reaction caused by the concomitant use of the 2 products. If the reaction improves day after day (in terms of redness and itching), I have no worries, you can continue to apply a hydrocortisone-based cream (e.g. cortate 0.5%) in a thin layer once or twice a day and keep the skin as moisturized as possible, as skin dryness can accentuate the itching. The use of a hypoallergenic and unscented moisturizing cream should be preferred. On the other hand, if the situation does not improve or deteriorates from day to day, a medical consultation could become necessary to evaluate the level of severity of the lesion. Hoping to have helped you a little, do not hesitate if you have other questions Good day Isabelle Pelletier pharmacist
32-year-old woman · 5 years ago
Thank you very much!

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