If I have bleeding while taking the pill, am I still protected?

22-year-old woman2 years ago
About 3 weeks ago, I forgot to take my pill. I am taking Leelo Ge and I have been taking it continuously for 3 months. My doctor told me that I could. I had sex 4 days before I forgot. So I was protected for 7 days after I forgot. The problem is that I have been bleeding for more than 15 days. At the beginning, it was light spotting, dark color, but now it is stronger, more bright red too. Of course, I continue to take my pill normally, but I am afraid that because of the bleeding I am not protected.
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3 months

Sarah-Yan Chagnon · a year ago
Having bleeding does not diminish the effectiveness of your birth control pills. Therefore, although it is inconvenient, your contraceptive is effective as long as you take it. Forgetfulness and continuous use over several months are common reasons for bleeding
So, if you want to stop the bleeding, I recommend that you stop your birth control pill until the bleeding stops and for a maximum of 7 days. After that, you can resume it and continue to take it continuously. If you stop for 7 days or less, you are still protected during this period and when you resume. If the bleeding is not too bad, it is also possible to continue your contraceptive continuously
Note that if you miss a pill, if you take the missed pill within 24 hours and continue to take the following pills at the usual time, you do not need to take additional protection.
Sarah-Yan Chagnon · a year ago
We hope we have helped you,
Sarah-Yan Chagnon, pharmacist

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