I have feelings of spasms in my chest and numbness in my hands?

31 -year-old mana year ago
I have sensations of spasms in my left chest and numbness in my hands
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16 hours

Naji-tom Samaha · a year ago
Good morning, sir,
When did you first notice this?
Is it with a particular movement or activity, or position?
Does it happen mostly in the morning or at other times of the day?
Have you ever consulted for this problem?
31 -year-old man · a year ago
i did not consult for this problem exactly but in the last year i went several times to the hospital because i had gallstones in my gallbladder. i also had an operation at the beginning of the year 2022 to remove my gallbladder and 1 and a half months later i had to undergo another operation because i had the coledoc duct blocked by a stone. during my many visits to the hospital I was always given blood tests and sometimes heart tests (with the machine and the suction cups on the body) I was always told that everything was fine except for my gallbladder problem. i would like to tell you that for the last few months I've been having little spasms or discomforts in my chest, sometimes on the left and sometimes on the right (the left always gets worse because I'm afraid it's the heart). In general, it happens more often when I'm resting in the afternoon at home. My discomforts can happen sometimes after I've consumed marijuana and often after I've drunk alcohol, like the next day. my sensations started on sunday during the day and the day before i drank maybe a bottle of white wine alone. then on sunday evening i drank a bottle of wine alone. the next day so monday my sensations/discomforts had increased a little more but it's always temporary it comes and goes. for the record i rarely drink alcohol maybe 1 night a month or 2 but when i do i probably drink 7 to 10 glasses of alcohol. i usually smoke 1 joint every night sometimes more if i'm with friends. on monday evening december 26th i smoked a joint and then i felt a little weird weak, a little dizzy and numb and i had chest spasms so much that i went to bed to let it pass. that's why i wrote to you yesterday, tuesday the 27th of december, because when i woke up on tuesday i felt better (i was no longer on marijuana) but i still had this little feeling of lightheadedness and numbness in my hand and a small spot in my left chest. as i write this i still have a little bit of that feeling in my chest but not really the numbness anymore. and as for the numbness most of the time it happens when i lift my arms up in the air too long or when i'm leaning on them. but on tuesday i was sitting on my couch with my hands and arms stretched out at the same level as my thighs and i felt tingling in my hands and i was moving my hands all the time to get them to feel more comfortable. sorry about the novel. thank you very much for paying attention to my problem.
31 -year-old man · a year ago
to clarify, my point in the right chest at the level of my operation also comes with a point in the back, the point in the back is not extreme but a little disturbing
Naji-tom Samaha · a year ago
Thanks for the information!
I believe that the first thing to do is to try to find possible causes.
To this end, I suggest keeping a diary where you record what you eat as well as the quantities, your activities (positions, movements, etc.) to compare with the occurrence and extent of this symptom.
This may take several weeks so I suggest being diligent.
If this is not successful after 6 weeks and the problem persists, I suggest consulting a physician to rule out other causes.
I will remain available if you have any further questions!
Tom Samaha, pharmacist

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