Can all this be related? Is there any follow-up to do or is it just a normal thing? My brother has kidney cancer. Thank you

65-year-old womana year ago
Recently on a thoracic scan, I was discovered an adenoma of the right surrenal and a hyperplasia of the left surrenal. I have heart problems, angina, cholesterol, hypertension, osteoporosis and slight emphysema. I react badly to many medications, especially cortisone. So I avoid it.
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16 hours

65-year-old woman · a year ago
Recently discovered right adrenal adenoma and left adrenal hyperplasia.
Angina cholesterol hypertension osteoporosis slight emphysema..
Thank you to enlighten me if there are exams to be done for that..or a particular follow-up.
Naji-tom Samaha · a year ago
Hello Mrs,
The evaluation of such a situation is impossible on this platform, especially since you already benefit from a medical follow-up. You will have to redirect your questions to the doctor who requested and communicated the results you describe.
I'm sorry I can't be more helpful at this time, the situation you describe is beyond what can be addressed on this platform.
Tom Samaha, pharmacist

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