What can I do? Could it be cancerous?

27-year-old womana year ago
I have a lump under my arm that is elongated and still hard, reddish in color, sometimes purple, what should I do?
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6 hours

27-year-old woman · a year ago
I have a bose under the bar, where the armpit, which grows and changes color at times. Sometimes red sometimes more purple... it hurts sometimes when I touch it and other days not. I wonder what it is and what I can do... Thanks in advance!
David Maurier · a year ago
The causes can be varied, and cancer, to reassure you, is certainly not at the top of the list. However, to be sure you have an appropriate answer to your question, it would be best to go see a doctor to be evaluated.
I know that my answer is probably not satisfactory, but I'm afraid that unfortunately I won't be able to give you a satisfactory and accurate answer via teleconsultation! If you don't have a family doctor, you can use the "Hello Health" website to find medical clinics in the area that have availability!
27-year-old woman · a year ago
Okay, thanks, I'll check the site
David Maurier · a year ago
Excellent! Have a great evening!

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