What to do to promote healing after surgery?

30-year-old woman2 years ago
Hi, I had a major breast reduction 1.5 months ago. The healing is going great, but I have swelling in my right breast that is reducing really slowly. The swelling is hard and makes me uncomfortable when I lie down (I only sleep on my back at the moment). I know the swelling can last for three months, but I'm wondering if there are any actions that could help. Anyway, is there anything in particular I can do to reduce the inflammation? Massage, advil or something else? Thanks in advance
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16 hours

Naji-tom Samaha · 2 years ago
Hello Madam, thank you for your question!
This is indeed a procedure that requires several months to heal. I strongly suggest that you undertake a physical rehabilitation of the area, with the help of a physiotherapist. They can greatly help the surrounding structures and muscles, in terms of muscle strength and range of motion, and also help break down adhesions and scar tissue.
Most group insurances provide this type of service.
Tom Samaha, Pharmacist

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