I have pimples around my eyes that itch and my eyes are swollen from wearing the procedure mask. What can I do about it?

39-year-old woman4 years ago
I had this reaction after I took it off.
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12 hours

Vincent Ouellet · 4 years ago
If the reaction appeared after wearing the mask for a long time (more than 4 hours), the skin was probably irritated by the friction and humidity
I suggest you apply cold compresses and a mild moisturizer without perfume or dye 2 to 3 times a day.
A procedure mask should be changed after no more than 4 hours.
If the reaction appeared fairly quickly after the mask was put on, you may be reacting to one of the components
You can apply cold compresses and a cream containing 0.5% hydrocortisone in a thin layer twice a day for a maximum of 3 days. You should then try a mask made by another company or made of another material.
If the reaction spreads despite this care, if your vision becomes affected or sensitive to light, if you develop a fever or yellowish scabs, it would be necessary to consult a doctor or a PHI.
I hope I have helped you today!

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