Walking boot or repeat x-rays? And is the walking boot mandatory for 4 weeks or can it be less? Thank you for your help!

25-year-old womana year ago
Hello, In October, I had pain in my left foot. I had x-rays and a bone scan done. However, they found a stress fracture in my RIGHT foot! (So not the foot that was hurting!). So my doctor prescribed a walking boot anyway for my foot that was hurting. It worked well and my left foot was back to normal. However, a few weeks ago, my right foot (the one with the actual fracture) started to hurt. So it's been four and a half months since we found this fracture. I'm wondering what to do, should I just put my walking boot in my right foot, or since it's been 4 months already, should I go back for X-rays to make sure that it's still causing me pain? Can a stress fracture heal on its own or could it cause other problems if I don't wear a boot to heal it?
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8 hours

Naji-tom Samaha · a year ago
Hello Mrs.,
Before trying anything and risking delaying the right treatment, I strongly advise you to consult a doctor as soon as possible.
Tom Samaha, pharmacist

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