What is the best cream for extremely dry hands? They are cracked/chapped. Thank you for your help!

31-year-old woman5 years ago
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14 hours

Alexandre Chagnon · 5 years ago
Hello Ma'am,
In a situation like this, the best treatment is as follows:
  • Buy woolen gloves (white if possible);
  • Before you go to bed, apply Vaseline™ to your hands and put on the gloves;
  • That's it!
In 2 to 3 days, you should see a marked improvement in your symptoms. Use this technique for at least 2 weeks before judging in its total effectiveness.
During the day, avoid washing your hands with very hot water or handling chemicals. You can also apply a "normal" hand cream during the day if you feel your hands are dry despite the nighttime technique.
It's a pleasure,
Alexandre Chagnon, pharmacist

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