Is it a teething problem or an ear infection if my 1 year old daughter has been waking up at night and touching her left ear for a few days, has no fever and is not in pain during the day?

45-year-old woman6 years ago
We gave her Advil 3 nights in a row and she still woke up. Once in our arms she did not cry and went back to sleep.
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2 hours

45-year-old woman · 6 years ago
No known allergies, eats well, takes no medication
Naji-tom Samaha · 6 years ago
Good evening ma'am.
You say that your daughter often touches her ear, but not during the day, am I to understand that it is only when she wakes up at night?
The explanation you give about teething is plausible, although children usually complain during the day when they are actively teething.
I am reassured, however, that you report no fever, that your daughter is eating well and going back to sleep in your arms.
Children's sleep cycles change very quickly, and I'm sure that waking up at night is not foreign to you at this age.
I hope I have answered you adequately, please do not hesitate if you have any further questions. Have a good evening.

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