What can I do to prevent constipation and anal fissure following my delivery?

35-year-old woman6 years ago
Following my delivery, I had an anal fissure that lasted several months. I managed to heal it a few months ago, but under the doctor's recommendations, I continued to take Lax-a-day to prevent a recurrence as long as I was breastfeeding. However, I missed 2 doses and I already feel that my stools are harder and I am afraid that the fissure will come back because of that. So I did not have a bowel movement today.
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15 hours

35-year-old woman · 6 years ago
Using nifedipine ointment to heal (3 treatments of 2 weeks ) paired with lax-a-day. Problem started in August 2017 and healed since about November 2017, but daily use of lax-a-day since then. I also pay attention to drinking lots of water and consuming fiber
Gabriel Nadeau · 6 years ago
You will understand that the main way to prevent anal fissures is to avoid constipation. Measures you are already taking such as proper hydration and eating high fiber foods will certainly help, as will taking Lax-a-day regularly which is a good laxative. You may be able to find a trick to help you remember to take your dose, such as setting an alarm on your cell phone or leaving your bottle in a place that will remind you to take it. Regular physical activity is another trick to reduce constipation.
If you feel the fissure coming back, to reduce the pain and itching, you can take a 10 to 15 minute sitz bath, 2 to 3 times a day. You should also avoid scented products that can be irritating, such as perfumed soaps.
Ultimately, you may need to re-treat with your nifedipine ointment if the cracks become too uncomfortable.
I hope this answers your questions,
Gabriel Nadeau, pharmacist
35-year-old woman · 6 years ago
Thank you for your answer. I'm just wondering if I should continue taking the lax-a-day forever?
Gabriel Nadeau · 6 years ago
Not necessarily no. It could be used more regularly for a period of time, then you could try to decrease it gradually (ex: 1/2 to 3/4 of a measure instead of a full measure). If you have already made the changes in your lifestyle and the constipation problem persists, it might also be a good idea to look into a possible cause of this constipation problem with your doctor. For example, certain pathologies or medications can cause constipation, so by addressing the source of the problem, we can solve the constipation problem (and in your case, also the problem of fissures)
Have a nice day!

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