Hello, my husband has been suffering from restless leg disease for several years. Are there - in 2018 - any new medications regarding the treatment of this disease? Currently, he is taking Quinine and Clonazepam. Thank you!

69-year-old woman6 years ago
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2 days

69-year-old woman · 6 years ago
He has only one kidney (bladder cancer) and he has been suffering from this disease for his whole life...
Alexandre Chagnon · 6 years ago
Is your husband suffering from restless legs or nighttime leg cramps? That's because the medications he's taking are usually prescribed for people who have leg cramps, while restless legs (the sudden, irresistible urge to move your legs at night) are treated with other medications.
69-year-old woman · 6 years ago
Good evening, yes, really, restless legs. He moves his legs at night, stretches them, etc. He always has pain between his knee and ankle. He says it's like "in the bone". Are there any new medications? Thank you very much!
Alexandre Chagnon · 6 years ago
If he is indeed suffering from restless legs, I believe he is not taking the right medication. In this case, the first thing to make sure is that he has good iron stores. In fact, several studies have shown that people with limited iron reserves (ferritin below 75 mcg/L) have an increased risk of suffering from restless legs. He will therefore have to see his doctor again so that an iron check-up (or martial check-up) is carried out.
Then, two categories of medication are generally effective in a person who suffers from this type of problem. These are medications that are also sometimes used in Parkinson's (Mirapex) or medications that are sometimes used in neurological pain (Gabapentin and Pregabalin). I suggest that you discuss these two families of medications with your doctor so that together you can find the one that is best for your husband.
Alexandre Chagnon · 6 years ago
Finally, you should know that quinine has an adverse reaction profile that leads us to stop using it. In 2011, Health Canada issued an advisory (https://www.canada.ca/fr/sante-canada/services/medicaments-produits-sante/medeffet-canada/infovigilance-produits-sante/bulletin-canadien-effets-indesirables-volume-21-numero-2-avril-2011.html) to advise Canadians to stop using this product for leg cramps. So I think you should discuss this with your doctor as well.
Alexandre Chagnon · 6 years ago
Have a nice day,
Alexandre Chagnon, pharmacist

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