Since I started taking Micronor, my milk production seems to have decreased. I have tried to find other influencing factors, but this is the only noticeable change that could explain it. Is it possible that in some cases this pill affects lactation? Thank you for your help!

42-year-old woman7 years ago
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4 days

42-year-old woman · 7 years ago
I gave birth on September 22, and have been breastfeeding since. I started taking Micronor 2 months ago, and have noticed a decrease in my milk production for about a month
Naji-tom Samaha · 7 years ago
It is rare that Micronor, containing only a progestin, affects milk production, but it is not impossible. In fact, decreased milk production has been observed in some breastfeeding mothers. We suggest that you review other possible factors with your pharmacist, a lactation nurse, or your doctor. We also strongly suggest that you keep a strict and regular breastfeeding schedule, even if it means pumping your milk, to stimulate milk production. If, while waiting to see one of the professionals mentioned above, this effect becomes more and more problematic, and you are only taking Micronor for contraception, in this case it would be better to suspend it and use another method of contraception (condom)

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