I am taking Wellbutrin (bupropion), Paxil (paroxetine), hydrochlorothiazide and I have a prolonged QT. Are there any natural products that I can't take? Like echinacea, valerian, etc.?

48-year-old woman7 years ago
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2 days

48-year-old woman · 7 years ago
Wellbutrin, Paxil, Apo hydro and I have a prolonged QT
Marie-Pier Dubuc · 7 years ago
Hello, there is generally little information available on the risk of QT prolongation due to natural products. However, it is known that some natural products can increase the concentrations of the drugs you are taking in the blood, thus possibly increasing the risk of QT prolongation. For example, valerian may increase the levels of paxil. The risk of heart problems due to QT prolongation is low but the consequences can be serious if it happens so I would avoid this natural product. As for echinacea, it seems safe according to the data available in your case. Concerning other interactions to watch out for, some natural products such as those to make you lose weight for example, which can dehydrate and decrease potassium in the blood, should also be avoided because this can lengthen your QT even more. So to summarize, I advise you to check with your pharmacist before consuming any natural product

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