I have osteoarthritis in my left hip and sometimes it feels like a bone is dislocating and re-locating, causing pain. I was told by a rheumatologist that everything was in place. Is there any other avenue that could explain this pain?

63 -year-old man7 years ago
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2 days

63 -year-old man · 7 years ago
The rheumatologist told me to take meloxicam for the pain and sandoz ranitidine for the side effects. Nothing works. The sandoz gives me diarrhea, the meloxicam gives me gastric pain and I still have the same inflammatory pain.
Alexandre Chagnon · 7 years ago
Good morning, sir,
Alexandre Chagnon · 7 years ago
This is a question that should be asked of a physician, as the pharmacist is not qualified to make a diagnosis. I therefore recommend that you consult your doctor and discuss this feeling of dislocation with him. He or she will then be able to do a physical examination and look for the cause of your problem.
Alexandre Chagnon · 7 years ago
We look forward to seeing you,
Alexandre Chagnon · 7 years ago
Alexandre Chagnon, pharmacist

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