Hello, I have a friend who used Medroxy to trigger her period and I would use it to ovulate. Is this possible? Because I am very regular and I don't want it to disturb me. Thank you for your help.

33-year-old woman6 years ago
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2 days

33-year-old woman · 6 years ago
Infertility for 7 and a half years. natural pregnancy and back to square one. Unable to get pregnant
Alexandre Chagnon · 6 years ago
Good morning, Madam,
Alexandre Chagnon · 6 years ago
Medroxyprogesterone can be used for many things. The logic behind its use is that when the menstrual cycle is somewhat out of whack, the medication can be taken for a few days (5-10) to see if it will have a positive impact on the cycle. In your case, the doctor must think that the difficulty in getting pregnant is due to a hormonal imbalance and that taking this medication will help to restore it.
Alexandre Chagnon · 6 years ago
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Alexandre Chagnon · 6 years ago

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