I need help because I don't know if my period is normal

18-year-old woman3 years ago
hello! I had my first period. The first day they were brown, then the 2nd day burgundy with a ball of red blood inside then the same day I lost a little blood before the night. But on the 3rd day, I have only small brown discharge very very pale. Is this my period? And I want to have 5 days of menstruation like almost everyone else! How can I do this? Is it normal? Will the color stabilize with time and the number of periods as well? Thank you for answering me
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18 hours

Melina Michaud · 3 years ago
The first period can often be very different from what you would expect from a period. The amount of blood loss, the duration and the symptoms experienced are all things that can vary from one person to another but also from one period to another. The situation you are describing sounds perfectly normal to me! As the months go by, you may see changes in the color or amount of blood, and your period may settle down and become more regular. If you have any questions about menstruation, I recommend the website https://www.yourperiod.ca/fr/normal-periods. It's in French and gives a lot of interesting information
18-year-old woman · 3 years ago
Thank you for your help! But it's because I don't know if the yellow, orange brown discharge is menstruation... I would like to know if there is such a thing as the length of the period stabilizing in the 2nd month and the amount+color of the blood loss... thank you!
Melina Michaud · 3 years ago
It's most likely your period starting. It's very possible that it will stabilize in the next few months, but there's nothing dangerous or alarming about the symptoms you're giving me. It's perfectly normal for the first period to be different.

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