My 8 month old baby has liquid stools with a little bit of solid, but it's pretty slimy. Should I be concerned?

32-year-old woman5 years ago
It's been maybe 2 or 3 days. He doesn't have a fever, sleeps well and his mood is as usual (he cries a little more since his bottom is extremely irritated). He is regurgitating a little more than usual, but not vomiting per se. I try to give him a little more milk than usual to keep him hydrated, without forcing him of course. It's the slimy texture of the solid parts of his stool that worries me a bit!
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10 hours

Alexandre Chagnon · 5 years ago
Good evening ma'am,
You are doing the right thing by trying to keep her as hydrated as possible. As for that red bottom, try using a zinc cream containing at least 20% zinc, if not already done (and momentarily replace cloth diapers with disposables if applicable).
As for the stool, it only becomes a concern if the child starts to run a fever or if the stool contains a lot of mucus or has contained mucus for more than a week. In such a situation, one will go to the doctor to identify the exact cause.
True to your pleasure,
Alexandre Chagnon, pharmacist

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