My 10 month old baby has a fever since yesterday morning. Even with tempra the fever hardly goes down. What can I do?

38-year-old womana year ago
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19 minutes

Louiza Lounas · a year ago
Hello !
When your child has a fever it is advisable to consult a doctor:
- If the fever has lasted more than 48 hours (<12 months);
- If your child's general condition deteriorates;
- If your child shows signs of dehydration. Signs of dehydration may include: no tears, dry mouth or decreased urine output (less than 4 in 24 hours).
It is advisable to seek prompt emergency care if:
- The child has a febrile seizure;
- If the child is very sleepy or unresponsive to others;
- If the child has difficulty breathing.
Also, for Tempra, make sure you give the optimal dose for the child's weight. For Tempra Infant Drops see the chart on this link (if you have another formulation, let me know which one). The dose can be given every 4 to 6 hours for a maximum of 5 doses per day.
In order to answer you more specifically on whether you should consult I would need to know:
- What is your child's temperature this morning and by what route did you take it?
- Does he have any other symptoms besides a fever?
- Does your child have the signs of dehydration mentioned above?
- How does your child's general condition look? Is your child inconsolable (crying all the time?)?
  • Is your child refusing his bottle or breast (if you are breastfeeding)?
Hoping to help you,
Louiza Lounas, Pharmacy Intern
(Supervised by Alexandre Chagnon, Pharmacist).
38-year-old woman · a year ago
40.2 degrees Celsius rectal
no other symptoms except for a little runny nose
no symptoms of dehydration
inconsolable if not held
Louiza Lounas · a year ago
I would advise you to continue the Tempra today. If tomorrow morning his temperature is still high, I suggest you consult a doctor.
I hope I have answered your question,
Louiza Lounas, Pharmacy Intern
(Supervised by Alexandre Chagnon, Pharmacist).

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