My baby's underarms and elbow cracks are bright red, the skin is cracking and a few patches are coming up on his arms. What to do?

27-year-old woman4 years ago
I put eczederm recommended by the doctor, but it doesn't seem to do anything since the arms remain bright red and the cream forms a yellowish crust. What should I do?
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2 hours

Alexandre Chagnon · 4 years ago
Hello Ma'am,
In a case like this, it is possible that your baby has a fungal (mushroom) infection. Applying moisturizer in such a case will not help the situation at all and might even sustain the infection (by leaving moisture in the folds).
In such a case, I highly recommend that you go to the pharmacy and talk to the pharmacist and show him your baby's folds. He will probably recommend the application of Canesten™ cream twice a day for at least 10 days.
If the application of the cream improves the situation, continue its application until the redness is completely gone. If on the contrary nothing changes after 5 days, then I recommend you to consult a doctor. During the treatment, make sure to dry the skin well after getting out of the bath and not to apply moisturizer.
Good day,
Alexandre Chagnon, pharmacist

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