3 month old baby drinks a lot of milk but is not full! When should I give my baby his first cereal?

25-year-old womana year ago
Hi my baby is 3 1/2 months old and drinks a lot of milk she can drink 8 bottles a day of 4-5 oz! At night she drinks every 2 hours...it seems like she is not satisfied with her milk! Can I start giving her her first rice cereal? If so how much per day and when? How do you feed her? Thank you so much for your help!
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11 hours

Marie-Laurence Gauthier · a year ago
Before 6 months of age, milk meets all your baby's nutritional needs. Perhaps she is having a little growth spurt?
Cereals can be introduced between 4 and 6 months (corrected age if you have a premature baby) but you need these 4 criteria:
1- your baby is sitting up in his high chair and holding his head well
2- he is able to turn his head or push your hand to refuse
3- he shows an interest in food
4- He is able to put objects in his mouth.
Before 4 months, a baby is not ready to eat cereal and few 4 month old babies are ready for these 4 criteria.
Here is some relevant information about introducing solids and cereal to your baby:
Regarding the amount of milk, each baby is different, but the Living Well With Your Child guide has established guidelines for the amount of milk a baby should have each day according to age. At 3 months, it's 17 to 30 oz. per day, and this increases at 4 months. However, some babies will drink more than that while others will drink less. I will leave the link for your information.
So your baby is still too small for cereal. Cheer up, the nights will eventually get better!
I hope this answers your question,
Marie-Laurence Gauthier, pharmacist

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