What should I use for knee pain if I can't take anti-inflammatories by mouth?

68 -year-old man2 years ago
Hello, I am immunocompromised, because I have ulcerative colitis and I have been on Entyvio for almost a year, the treatment is going very well. Because of this I cannot take any anti-inflammatory product such as Voltaren and even Advil. I often have pain in my leg at the knee and it is muscular, Tylenol does not work.
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Naji-tom Samaha · 2 years ago
Hello Sir,
Many anti-inflammatory medications can be tried topically, such as Voltaren Emulgel. It should be applied to the smallest area possible to limit the amount that is absorbed, but is usually safe in people with inflammatory bowel disease. It can be used in conjunction with Tylenol.
I would just encourage you to confirm this with your pharmacist to ensure that the medication is safe for you.
Non-pharmacological measures should also be used, such as applying ice during pain flare-ups or after exercise. Physiotherapy is also an excellent option, as these professionals are in the best position to assess the pain and develop a realistic treatment plan with you. Most group insurance plans cover this type of service.
I hope this has been helpful to you, and please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions!
Tom Samaha, pharmacist

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