What should I do in the meantime to get relief? Is it a urinary tract infection or caused by the possible kidney stone?

27-year-old woman3 years ago
I often have to pee. When I go to pee I feel a pressure in my lower abdomen and I have a feeling of a needle in my vagina. Two weeks ago I think I made a kidney stone because of the pain in my lower back and the other symptoms were gone at the same time but came back. I called my doctor but my appointment for an ultrasound is in 3 weeks
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17 hours

Alexandre Chagnon · 3 years ago
Hello Ma'am,
It is extremely rare to get a kidney stone at your age, but it is not impossible.
Of course, one would have to know what is causing the pain to be able to treat it properly. Thus, I would recommend that you see another doctor (3 weeks is too long with these symptoms).
In the meantime, one can try the use of anti-inflammatory medication such as Aleve™ (sold behind the pharmacist's counter, but without a prescription), to see if the pain will be lessened.

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