What can I use for itching and sores possibly caused by sand fleas?

25-year-old womana year ago
I just came back from a trip to Cuba and I noticed that I had been bitten by sand fleas since I had small red spots on my skin. Since my return, the itching has intensified and the bite marks have swelled.
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14 hours

25-year-old woman · a year ago
I just returned from a trip to Cuba and was bitten by sand fleas (small red spots on the skin). Since my return, I seem to have an allergic reaction since the itching has intensified and the bites have swollen.
Should I consult a doctor, apply a specific cream or get allergy medication?
Sarah-Yan Chagnon · a year ago
It would be possible to apply a 1% hydrocortisone cream to calm the itching related to the stings which is available without a prescription. Also, it would be possible to take an allergy medication in tablet form (ex: Reactin) to help reduce the allergic reaction.
I recommend that you go to your local pharmacy to see the pharmacist who can show you the different products available to help you.
I look forward to seeing you,
Sarah-Yan Chagnon, pharmacist

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