I have anxiety, depression, feelings of rejection. sometimes intense, sometimes moody, sometimes with lots of energy and other times empty

41-year-old woman2 years ago
Anxiety, depression, paranoia
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8 hours

Jici Lord-Gauthier · 2 years ago
I have answered your other question, in which you wondered if you have Borderline Personality Disorder (or BPD). I hope that my answer has answered some of your questions and justified the appropriateness of consulting a mental health professional (psychologist or psychiatrist) to determine if there is reason to talk about such a diagnosis.
To comment on what you are describing here, I would like to say that it is normal to feel at times a certain level of anxiety, depression, rejection, emotional intensity, or to sometimes be in the moon, to sometimes have a lot of energy or feel empty and even feel a little paranoid when experiencing strong emotions such as fear.
The key to any diagnosis is in the intensity and frequency of these emotional reactions, and also how much it interferes with your proper functioning in the different areas of your life (relationship, work, etc.). When some of these states become too intense, overwhelming, chaotic, disorganizing, and that it happens more often than you would like, it may be appropriate to consult a professional such as a psychologist or other mental health professional (psychotherapist, psychiatrist, doctor, etc.) to get help and regain a minimum of balance in your life.
I hope that my answer will help you find some clarity.
Dr Jici Lord-Gauthier,
Clinical Psychologist

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