I would like to know if there is any risk of getting pregnant if I have sex the day before my period?

28-year-old womana year ago
Hello, I am taking the birth control pill lynessa and I have very regular periods. I am supposed to fall in my week tomorrow.
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an hour

Louiza Lounas · a year ago
Hello !
Since you are taking a birth control pill, your risk of getting pregnant or not will depend on whether you missed any pills. If you have not missed any pills, your risk is low.
With the use of a birth control pill such as Alysena, about 0.3% of women get pregnant after 1 year with perfect use and 9% with regular use. If you want to reduce your risk of getting pregnant, you can combine the use of your pill with the use of a condom
However, if you have forgotten to take pills, I need to know:
  • During which week of the package did you forget to take pills?
  • How many pills did you forget to take?
I hope I can help you,
Louiza Lounas,
Pharmacy Intern (under the supervision of Alexandre Chagnon, Pharmacist).
28-year-old woman · a year ago
Hello, thank you for your answer. To answer your question, I have not forgotten any contraceptive pill for the current pack. On the other hand I do not take my placebo pills because I am very regular so I know when to start a new pack
28-year-old woman · a year ago
But what would be the most at-risk weeks if I forget?
Louiza Lounas · a year ago
You do not have to take the placebo tablets, but you should make sure that you do not go more than 7 days without taking the active tablet
The most risky week is the first one. You should not go more than 24 hours without taking a pill during the first week, otherwise you must use additional contraception (condom) for 7 days
If you ever forget a pill, please feel free to write me to find out what the proper course of action is! 😊 Here is also a decision aid you can check out to learn more
Louiza Lounas,
Pharmacy intern (under the supervision of Alexandre Chagnon, Pharmacist).
28-year-old woman · a year ago
Thank you very much!
Louiza Lounas · a year ago
That makes me happy! 😊

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