I would like to know if I can consume Ashwagandha (natural product) or if there are any contraindications with my medication.

40-year-old woman2 years ago
Hello, I have been diagnosed with epilepsy in the last few months, I have been taking Keppra ( 500 mg , 2X a day) for a little over 3 months. I also have hypothyroidism for almost 4 years and I take synthroid ( 0.088 mg ).
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15 minutes

vicky m.lauzon · 2 years ago
I would not recommend the use of this product as it may have an effect on thyroid hormones and thus affect the control of your hypothyroidism.
For what purpose would you like to use this product?
I look forward to hearing from you
Vicky m. Lauzon.pharmacist
40-year-old woman · 2 years ago
I heard about the benefits in terms of sleep, stress/anxiety and a possible increase of libido in women. So I wanted to try it. According to what I read on the subject, it was more about the disadvantages of hyperthyroidism..
Thank you for your quick answer!
vicky m.lauzon · 2 years ago
In fact, the product would significantly increase thyroid hormones so yes, people who suffer from hyperthyroidism would have adverse effects by worsening their condition, but in your case hypothyroidism could be treated with too high doses of synthroid so this could also be harmful.
As for insomnia and anxiety, there is very little conclusive data on this natural product. It might help with libido, but only small studies have been done
Stress and anxiety can certainly create libido problems
I suggest you first look at applications such as small bamboo that can give a hand to improve stress and sleep without medication. (meditation, relaxation)
Here are some other tips that can help you
  • eat healthy
  • sleeping well
  • regular physical activity
  • avoid alcohol and caffeine
As for sleep, here are a few things to check before turning to medication
  • have a routine (get up and go to bed at the same time)
  • cut out blue light and liquids after dinner
  • go to bed only when you feel sleepy
  • avoid naps
  • use the bedroom only for sleeping and sexual activities
  • consult a psychotherapist
  • sleep in a cool, dark environment
  • do not have a visible clock
  • get up and read when you can't sleep and only go back when you feel tired.
In short, I would turn to these methods first since natural products to treat anxiety, sleep and libido have been very poorly studied with keppra so I would be concerned about the risk of recurrence of seizures not knowing what reaction you might have
Finally, there is a natural gel (zestra) that you can find in pharmacies that could help with libido and that would not cause problems with your medication. You are also young, it would be worthwhile to discuss it with your doctor to see if there is a physical condition that could explain your problem.
I look forward to hearing from you,
vicky m.lauzon pharmacist
40-year-old woman · 2 years ago
A huge thank you for your explanations and advice! I will indeed discuss this with my next appointment.
Thank you and have a nice day!
vicky m.lauzon · 2 years ago
Good day to you too.

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