can I take advil because of my high blood pressure, I take tylenol

70-year-old womana year ago
hello for a few days I have had back pain but only at the level of the belt, I have high pressure but it is well controlled. I take tylenol every 4 hours but no change Can I take Advil for a short period of time? If Advil works, it would confirm that it is muscular.
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3 hours

Naji-tom Samaha · a year ago
Good morning, ma'am,
Advil can indeed increase blood pressure and increase the risk with some commonly prescribed medications for the treatment of high blood pressure. That being said, anti-inflammatory drugs may be necessary in some cases but only after a thorough evaluation. In this regard, I strongly suggest that you redirect your question to your pharmacist who is in a better position to advise you, including on the possibility of taking Advil, as well as to ensure a close follow-up with you.
Tom Samaha, pharmacist

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