Should I be concerned about a delayed or missed period while taking Visanne®?

35-year-old woman5 years ago
I have chrirugical surgeries like an endometrial ablation in 2016 with a tubal ligation . I have always had my period even after the surgery. I had a 27 day menstrual cycle and 4 months ago it went down to 24 days. My doctor prescribed Visanne for stomach pains. I took it for two months and had my period with the same 27 day cycle. I stopped Visanne due to side effects of depression. I am currently 11 days late in my cycle and still have no sign of my period.
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13 minutes

Jean-Félix Côté · 5 years ago
Hello, thank you for your question. I understand your concern and will look into this with you. First of all, can you confirm how long the Visanne has been stopped?
35-year-old woman · 5 years ago
I stopped the medication since January 14
35-year-old woman · 5 years ago
At that time, I had my period since January 7th and it ended on January 18th
Jean-Félix Côté · 5 years ago
As your question is very specific, I will focus only on your questions about the medication and exclude your history of surgery as a doctor/gynecologist would be better able to answer them. Regarding taking Visanne, it is indeed common to see changes in menstrual bleeding patterns while taking the medication. Some women will have longer periods, spotting, irregular bleeding or no bleeding at all. These are reported effects of the drug. It is also known that taking the drug for a longer period of time increases the possibility of not having a period (30% of women treated with Visanne). In your case, you stopped Visanne because of a depressed mood (which is reported in 3% of users). According to studies, the return to a normal menstrual cycle occurs about 2 months after stopping the medication, so you could still be in a period of adaptation. Based solely on the data concerning the drug, a delay of a few days would not be alarming. However, it is important to note that Visanne is not an effective contraceptive method, so if you have had unprotected sex, it would still be wise to do a pregnancy test to rule out this possibility. We hope to have answered all your questions. Sincerely, Jean-Félix Côté, pharmacist

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