I am on my 5th course of antibiotics to cure a UTI in 2 months. Even though the symptoms of a UTI

26-year-old womanil y a 4 ans
They are no longer present, I feel burning in the vagina and also pain during sexual relations. My discharge is normal. I know that with antibiotics, the vaginal flora is affected, could it be a yeast infection? Thank you
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2 jours

Alexandre Chagnon · il y a 4 ans
Good evening ma'am,
Sorry first for the delay in responding.
You are quite right, taking antibiotics can affect the vaginal flora, and this is especially true if multiple treatments are done in a short period of time.
A yeast infection usually causes a white discharge and a lot of itching. So you can have vulvitis and vaginitis, but there is no yeast involved.
To treat these kinds of symptoms, I recommend taking a Replens™ brand vaginal moisturizer. It's available in pharmacies without a prescription.
It's my pleasure,
Alexandre Chagnon, pharmacist

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