Top dermatology publications

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I use an AHA-based toner on my face about 3 times a week. Can I continue to use it while pregnant?

26-year-old woman
a year ago
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a day
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Do you have a recommendation for easing the pain and inflammation of a new pimple?

33-year-old man
a year ago
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10 days
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Does he have to offer me a raise or can he refuse to do so? Are the new delegated acts mandatory or optional?

37-year-old man
a year ago
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11 hours
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What can I do to cure or treat my bleeding stools?

21-year-old woman
a year ago
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11 days
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Is it possible that soap is the cause? Or could it be something else? What should I do about this problem?

26-year-old woman
a year ago
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12 days
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Do you have any idea what this little reddish nodule in my neck might represent?

21-year-old woman
a year ago
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16 hours
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My 5 year old daughter snores a lot and she drools a lot, is this normal?

25-year-old woman
a year ago
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12 days
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I have a very stubborn plantar wart and Compound-W style products do not work?

25-year-old woman
a year ago
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13 hours
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15 month old son gets antibiotics for pneumonia and has swollen glands?

30-year-old woman
a year ago
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15 hours
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What's wrong with me, why does it stink, why does it burn when I make love?

18-year-old woman
a year ago
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10 days
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