What does 10.9 mean as a MPV following a blood test? Knowing that the result is in red with an H next to it

22-year-old woman2 years ago
Following a blood test, the result of the MPV came out in red with an H next to it (10.9) Can you help me to understand better what it means? Thank you in advance,
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23 minutes

Martin Payer · 2 years ago
Good evening Madam
MPV stands for "Mean Platelet Volume", the measurement of the volume (or size) of platelets in the blood. Platelets contribute to blood clotting. The MPV measurement alone does not give much information, it must be interpreted with the other measurements (e.g. total platelets) for this measurement to be useful.
A high value means that the platelets are larger or that the volume is high. This can be caused by a number of factors that are often not cause for concern.
Without knowing the other measurements, the context or the reason for the blood test (what we are looking for), I cannot conclude much, other than that it is not worrisome.
Hopefully this answers your question :)
Have a nice evening
22-year-old woman · 2 years ago
22-year-old woman · 2 years ago
Here are the other results of the blood test
22-year-old woman · 2 years ago
Martin Payer · 2 years ago
Cool thanks for the results.
It seems to me that everything else is normal. By the way the MPV value is high but not very alarmingly so.
I confirm then that this result does not seem to be worrying.
I would be happy to discuss this further if you want, but I need to know the reason for this blood test (it will help to have the context). If it's a routine blood test or if we're looking for something related to a problem you're experiencing.
Don't hesitate if you want to discuss it further =)
Have a nice day!
22-year-old woman · 2 years ago
I started to have big cramps (like menstruation) in the lower part of my belly in the middle and my belly is hard. It is tolerable and constant, except at night the pain increases.
Also since March I have been fainting several times a week in different situations and I have chest pain (in the middle).
So we look for the problem "heart" and belly
22-year-old woman · 2 years ago
But I don't have much of an answer from my family doctor so I'm turning to this place
Martin Payer · 2 years ago
I understand. The symptoms you describe are certainly worrisome. However, I don't believe that these blood test results don't describe a specific (or simple to diagnose) problem. In short, in my opinion, it doesn't give a clear answer to your problem... Other than that, everything seems fine according to the blood tests. You would then need to do other tests - such as cardiac tests.
I do hope that your family doctor will continue to push the tests.
Hope this info helps =)
Have a good day
22-year-old woman · 2 years ago
Thank you very much, have a nice day!

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