What should I do? Is it too early to take a pregnancy test? Is it possible that I am pregnant? Are the losses worrisome?

27-year-old woman3 years ago
We are on a bb trial. I ovulated on August 13, so I should have had my period this Friday. I have a very light brown discharge and a little pain in my lower abdomen.
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18 hours

Jean-Sébastien Lecompte · 3 years ago
Do you also have breast tenderness or engorgement?
Do you have nausea?
Have you taken a pregnancy test?
27-year-old woman · 3 years ago
My breasts have been very sensitive for about 2 weeks. I don't have nausea, but I have difficulty digesting... I haven't taken a pregnancy test yet
Jean-Sébastien Lecompte · 3 years ago
I think you should do one. I don't want to get ahead of myself, but with what you're describing, pregnancy is still very plausible
Breast tenderness is typical of early pregnancy. It is the hormone secreted by the placenta that causes this engorgement in the breasts. Tugging in the lower abdomen is caused by the uterus slowly stretching. The discharge may be a sign of the permanent implantation of the placenta and the fetus. Difficulty digesting may also be related. Nausea may appear later and so may fatigue
Only a pregnancy test will confirm this. However, the elements you mention point to a pregnancy

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