After an eyelash extension application, I still have yellow crusts at the root of my lashes. Is it lice?

40-year-old woman4 years ago
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a day

Alexandre Chagnon · 4 years ago
Hello Ma'am,
This is most likely the glue residue used to apply the false lashes to your lashes, right?
40-year-old woman · 4 years ago
Unfortunately, it's been 4 years since then and I've never had one installed since. I read that it could be eyelash lice
Alexandre Chagnon · 4 years ago
It is not impossible to get lice all the way to your eyebrows and eyelashes, but to do so, you usually have to be "full of lice", have so many in your hair that the lice migrate to your eyebrows, and then to your eyelashes.
It is understood that such a situation is extremely rare, and usually does not occur in a person who is paying attention to his or her person.
Think of it more as having to do with secretions that come from the glands of the eyes and eyelashes.
Good day,
Alexandre Chagnon, pharmacist
40-year-old woman · 4 years ago
Thank you for your answer. It reassures me, I believe that indeed this is not my case. Sorry for the duplication, I had not seen that I had mentioned lice in my initial question. Thank you and bravo for this service, it's very useful and interesting to consult other people's questions/answers. Looking forward to it and good continuity!
Alexandre Chagnon · 4 years ago
Thanks for your kind words :)

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