I can't feel the threads of my IUD. Should I be worried?

32-year-old woman5 years ago
Sterilet post abortion. 11th day after my abortion and the placement of my sterilet; my bleeding has stopped but I tried to see if I could feel the threads of my sterilet and I don't feel it. Should I worry or just wait and check later?
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a day

Cathy Riendeau · 5 years ago
A lot of times a woman can't feel the presence of the wires after an IUD is inserted. This factor is not related to the quality of the insertion. However, it is recommended that a barrier method of contraception such as a condom be used between now and the 6-week follow-up appointment to verify the IUD insertion, unless otherwise advised by your gynecologist. This information may vary depending on the type of IUD you have. Do you know the type of IUD and do you already have a follow-up appointment scheduled?
32-year-old woman · 5 years ago
No follow-up appointments taken yet and I have a copper sterilet.
Cathy Riendeau · 5 years ago
With a copper IUD, doctors will more often not follow up, but you may not feel the wires and that's perfectly normal. The copper IUD is effective as soon as it is installed.

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