I have consulted several specialists and they do not have the same answer. Can I take my Symbicort200 during my pregnancy?

29-year-old womanil y a 4 ans
I have been using this pump for a few years now.
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un jour

Stéphane Villeneuve · il y a 4 ans
Hello to you,
To answer this question, it is relevant to know the severity of your asthma. For someone with mild asthma, who only takes Symbicort from time to time, Symbicort would not be the first choice
If your asthma is quite severe, your respirologist needs to decide if the risks of taking Symbicort in pregnancy outweigh the benefits. You will need to contact the doctor to find out more.
What are the specialists on your side saying, and which specialists are they?
We look forward to hearing from you,
Stéphane Villeneuve, pharmacist
29-year-old woman · il y a 4 ans
My asthma is severe and I take my symbicort 200 morning and night
My pulmonologist told me three years ago that I should change pumps when I am pregnant
two pharmacists and a doctor told me that I could keep this pump.
Stéphane Villeneuve · il y a 4 ans
Thank you for your answer!
In some situations, you can afford to keep the pump since it gives you good asthma control. In this context, poor asthma control would probably be more harmful to your pregnancy than taking the medication.
I could contact your respirologist for advice. Would you like to call me at the pharmacy? Our contact information is right here!
I will be waiting to hear from you!
Stéphane Villeneuve, pharmacist

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