For some time now, I have had some kind of balls inside my earlobes. What should I do?

21-year-old woman3 years ago
I had my earlobes pierced maybe 2 years ago.
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11 hours

Simon Moretti · 3 years ago
Are these "balls" located near the piercings?
Are they very large and visible?
Are they painful?
Piercings can cause "keloids" which are a kind of growth of cartilage. These usually appear near and around the piercing. This happens mostly when piercing the cartilage at the top of the ear (rarely near the classic earring piercings at the bottom).
From my research, healing these injuries is complicated and may require cortisone injections or even surgery in more severe cases.
21-year-old woman · 3 years ago
It is not painful at all and they are located exactly where I was pierced. They are not very big and you can't see them. I can only feel them when I touch them.
Simon Moretti · 3 years ago
It is therefore possibly these famous keloids. They are benign lesions that are a kind of scar from the piercing.
Since it's small, not painful and has been there for a long time, I wouldn't worry any more.
If you are concerned, you could talk to your doctor.
Have a nice day!
21-year-old woman · 3 years ago
Can I wear earrings or would it be better not to?
Simon Moretti · 3 years ago
When was the last time you wore them?
21-year-old woman · 3 years ago
Maybe 2-3 weeks ago. I took them out because I had an infection.
Simon Moretti · 3 years ago
If the infection is resolved and you have no pain, you can put earrings back on in my opinion.

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