I am constantly thirsty, is this normal?

26-year-old woman7 years ago
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4 days

26-year-old woman · 7 years ago
I have had a constant dry throat and the urge to drink water for several months now, I can't go out without my water bottle. It started when I was treating my acne with Accutane, but I thought the dry throat was a side effect of the medication. I finished that treatment months ago! I wanted to know if my craving for water was only due to my body's adaptation, i.e. it got used to a large amount of water? Or if there is a medication to reduce the thirst. Thank you!
Isabelle Pelletier · 7 years ago
Hello, dry mouth is of course a frequent side effect of Accutane treatment. However, I am surprised that this effect persists several months after stopping. I would need more information to better guide you... are you taking other medications? (Many medications can cause dry mouth as a side effect)... If not, it would also be prudent to exclude other diagnoses... for example, diabetes can also cause a continuous sensation of thirst... Also, other factors can come into play: low humidity in the house, wood heating etc... And finally, maybe you are only ''used'' to drinking more... In short, I don't have any medication to advise you to ''reduce thirst'', there are different products to relieve dry mouth (spray, gel ''saliva substitute'', lozenge/gum that increases salivation etc...) but not directly for thirst. ) but not directly for thirst... If you have any other questions, don't hesitate! Have a nice day

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