I am wondering if his cough can be caused by a too dry environment? Due to the use of air conditioning.

31-year-old woman3 years ago
Hello, for several days my 2 year old daughter has had a small dry cough that persists. No other symptoms. No fever, no discharge. The house has been air-conditioned all the time for some time due to the heat.
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14 hours

Mac-Pherson Anacréon · 3 years ago
Indeed, it is possible that the air conditioning is too strong for your 2 year old baby. At this age, his metabolism is not the same as that of an adult and therefore he does not have the same air conditioning needs
Try to dress your child more with long sleeves, long pants and socks (with grips underneath so they don't slip and fall). Also, try to avoid exposing your child directly to a draft.
Also watch for signs that your baby is overheated (sweating, increased thirst, amorphousness, etc).
I hope you find these tips helpful.
I look forward to hearing from you!

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