My question is, is it normal for a child to vomit when they have a cold? And when should I start to worry and consult?

31-year-old womana year ago
Hello, My 10 month old son has had a cold for three days. The first day he had a fever. Today, the third day, he doesn't have one anymore. However, he eats very little, he doesn't want to drink a lot of milk either but he drinks water. This is the second cold he has had and each time he vomited a lot the first 2-3 days. He vomits especially during meals, we can hear his throat clearing, full of secretions. He eats liquid only with his colds and manages to vomit about 1 meal out of 2. He keeps his water and milk. I was wondering if it is normal for him to vomit when he has a cold? When should I worry and consult? He looks good and acts almost like his usual self. Doesn't cry after vomiting. We do the sinus rinse several times a day with the Sainte-Justine technique.
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16 hours

Charles Dignard · a year ago
Based on the information provided, your son does not appear to be in a condition that requires urgent consultation. Most likely, he is unable to manage his nasal secretions and is swallowing them, causing him to vomit. It is important to continue to monitor his general condition (change in behavior, attitude and energy level) compared to his usual condition.
To complete my analysis, can you answer the following questions?
How often does your son vomit per day?
Does he vomit in a stream?
Does he show signs of moderate dehydration (lost skin elasticity, hasn't urinated for more than 6 hours, very dry mucous membranes, fatigue, irritability, increased or excessive thirst, sunken and darkened eyes...)?
Have you used any over-the-counter products to reduce the fever?
Does your son vomit in any other context?
Does your son usually regurgitate after meals?
31-year-old woman · a year ago
My boy has been vomiting 4-5 times a day since he got the cold. He is not throwing up and he does not seem to be dehydrated.
We have given him tyllenols to reduce his fever and discomfort.
He vomits mostly when he eats or coughs. When he is not sick, he has an easy gag. When he eats without being sick, he sometimes gags and vomits his meal because of it. It is less and less frequent but still. He no longer regurgitates after meals or bottles when he is not sick. He had reflux when he was smaller, he took anti-reflux from 2 to 4 and a half months.
Charles Dignard · a year ago
Thank you for your answers!
The key seems to be in managing nasal secretions. I encourage you to do St. Justine's recipe 4-6 times a day! Time should do the rest.
If he gets worse, shows signs of decreased general health or dehydration, or can no longer eat or drink without vomiting, I would advise you to see a doctor.
Hopefully this has helped you!
31-year-old woman · a year ago
Thank you so much for your help! 😊

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