What are the long-term side effects of pregabalin (Lyrica)?

61-year-old woman6 years ago
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2 days

61-year-old woman · 6 years ago
I take pregabalin (150mg) 2/day for chronic pain following 1 operation for L5-S1 hernia and 2nd operation for adhesions and osteophytes in the same place. I also have cervical hernias c4-c5-c6. I take flurazepam (15mg) 1/day. When I can't control the pain I take oxyneo (10mg) max of 10 capsules per month (maybe 30 per year).
Alexandre Chagnon · 6 years ago
Good morning, Madam,
Alexandre Chagnon · 6 years ago
Lyrica (pregabalin) is relatively well tolerated over the long term. It is a member of the anticonvulsant class of drugs and, for this reason, is usually taken for very long periods. For the treatment of neuropathic pain, it is probably less "harmful" to take this drug than large doses of opiates. This phenomenon is called "co-analgesia" and is recommended in practice to avoid long-term use of high doses of Oxyneo, for example.
Alexandre Chagnon · 6 years ago
In addition to normal drug-related monitoring (liver function, kidney function), people whose kidneys are starting to fail will be monitored for the risk associated with the accumulation of this drug. This is usually not an issue in people your age.
61-year-old woman · 6 years ago
Thank you for the clarification. It is much appreciated!
Alexandre Chagnon · 6 years ago
It's a pleasure!
Alexandre Chagnon · 6 years ago

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