Anything else I could try or go to?

32-year-old woman3 years ago
Hello, since one week, itching at the entrance of the vagina after having urinated. It then lasts about 3-4 minutes and stops until the next pee. The area is a bit swollen and red. No discharge, no new partner and the canestan doesn't seem to help.
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19 hours

Mac-Pherson Anacréon · 3 years ago
It is possible that it is simply an irritation on the vulva.
Do you use scented products?
In any case, avoid any scented products in this area (scented soaps, scented bath products, etc). Avoid rubbing when you wipe, instead tap to dry after urinating.
To relieve the pain, you may want to apply a zincofax ointment (like for baby's bottom). Zincofax relieves irritation and protects against friction, thus promoting healing.
If zincofax is not enough, you can also apply a 0.5% hydrocortisone cream available over the counter at the pharmacy. You could apply it in a very thin layer up to 2 times a day as needed for a maximum of 7 days.
If none of this helps, consult a doctor.

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